Vedic Astrology

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What is Astrology?

Astrology is a Hellenic word. It is a composite word from Astron (Star) and Logos (Analogy). Astrology is the science which deals with the planetary movements and its effects on our lives. This science is based on astronomy. Astrologers need to know the correct positions of the planets at any given time of birth, as well as the correct positions of the zodiacal fixed star signs in relation to any place on earth at any given time. Once the correct positions of the signs and planets are known, astrologers prepare charts representing these positions and it is called a Natal chart or a horoscope.

The science of Astrology originated in India and has been practiced continuously for more than 8, ooo years. Records of astrological knowledge are to be found in the history of all nations and among the relics of all civilization, past and present. In India the records exists today which points clearly to a highly developed knowledge of Astrology as far back as about 6,500 BCE and actual manuscripts are still extent which were written about 3,700 BCE.

The astrology in world considers a horoscope as a map of destiny. It contains the result of our previous karmas of seven lives. It is like a passbook of saving account of our karmas (deeds), both good and bad of previous life. The secrets that it contains can be revealed only by an astrologer. The analysis of the horoscope gives a good indication of the person’s psychology, character and life potential. The person’s qualities, intellectual abilities, aptitude, skills, relationships with family, friends, and loved ones can be predicted from the individual’s chart. Financial acumen, status, education, travel, health etc can also be discussed from the natal chart. Depending on the situation and needs of the seeker, the astrologers in India read the timeline of the person’s life, from birth to the recent past, of the present situation which caused him to consult the astrologer in the first place and the future trends and planetary periods that the seeker can expect to experience, both externally in the world and internally in terms of psychological attitudes. Astrology in world is not just about predicting the course of one’s life. It is meant to be a guide.

Vedic Astrology / Hindu Astrology/Jyotish Shastra


The science which deals with Sun, other planets and time is referred as Jyotish Shastra. Veda means the original knowledge and truth. Vedic means something that is based upon the concepts of Vedas.

Vedic Astrology is the ancient Indian system of Astrology and was documented by sages in the Vedic scriptures. The term derives from Sanskrit language, Jyoti means light and Ish is for Ishwara, the God. So Jyoti + Ishwara becomes Jyotish, meaning ‘the science of light’ or ‘the wisdom of the heavens’.

Vedas are the system of knowledge in Indian culture. Although associated primarily with Hindu religion, they have a very broad outlook. They do not contain rules and regulations just for Hindus only, but for all men and women with principles. Vedas are essentially a study of self. Astrology in India is an integral part of Vedas, which is the reason it is called Vedanga Jyotish. The Vedic system of Astrology is to offer humanity a means to understand the role and expression of karma in individual’s collective life. Indeed, Hindus believe that humans have fortune and misfortune in life because of their karma of previous life and present life. Many in India use Astrology to understand setbacks in life due to the influence of planets and perform religious ceremonies as Yagnas and other astrological remedies to rectify the negativity in the individuals chart.

In India, Vedic Jyotish is commonly used to take any important decisions in life. In Hindu culture, new born are traditionally named based on their birth Nakshatra. Vedic Astrology is perceived to be vital in Indian culture, in making decisions about marriage, opening a new business and moving into a new home and for many more vital decisions. The divine science of Vedic interpretation and prediction perfected over the last 4,000 years can provide guidance not only on physical matters such as health, wealth, and relations, but also on spiritual matters such as Moksha (Liberation). It can help promote your virtues and mitigate your drawbacks.

That is why without the knowledge of Vedas and Jyotish, all other knowledge is totally useless. For this reason in Hinduism the knowledge of Jyotish has been given great importance, and has been considered to be the Eye of Vedas. Vedic Astrology or Jyotish is not a mere science but can rather be called, Universal Science or a science beyond the science, since it means the principles or mechanism on which the total creation exists. It is a super way to know and understand our karma and live a sound, peaceful, enlightened life. Unlike western Astrology, Vedic Astrology gives importance to Moon as movements of Moon is much faster than the Sun. That is why Vedic Astrological Calculations are more precised and accurate. As per Parashara there are 19 scholars who initially contributed for the progress of Vedic Astrology and there names are as below:
  1. Surya
  2. Pitamah
  3. Vyas
  4. Vasish
  5. Atri
  6. Parashar
  7. Kashyap
  8. Narad
  9. Garg
  10. Marichi
  11. Manu
  12. Angira
  13. Lomash
  14. Pulish
  15. Chyan
  16. Yavan
  17. Bhrigu
  18. Shonauk
  19. Pulstya

Why we need Vedic Astrological consultation?

The importance of Vedic Astrology in the social life of man is numerous all over the world. Success in life depends to a large material prosperity or adversity. Combination of planets(yogas) in Astrology tend to show the degree of wealth, fame, rank, position, adversity, ill health and misfortunes a man is likely to experience in his present life as a result of his karmas (actions) in previous states of existence. Hence, Astrology in world is considered a very useful tool for mankind. We need more help of such sciences to guide us when materialistic approach towards life is making us more depressed and we are heading towards uncertainty.

Since ancient times, good astrologers of India have been recognized as among the best of advisors. Kautilya Chanakya (Vishnugupta) has said that every king should have ministers to guide him. Though you may not be a king, you can still avail the opportunity for a good astrological consultation in planning life. Choosing a right Astrologer is important. Then you can experience the wonders of this miraculous science. “There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the troubled sea of life” it is said by Varaha Mihira.

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