Scientific Vastu

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Energy is defined as capacity of doing work, but we are not talking about in terms of the energy what we read in schools. We see ‘Energy’ in the flowers, when they blossoms. The seeds also sprout on their own which is due to ‘Energy’. There are two types of Energy in Nature and they are named as ‘Positive Energy’ and ‘Negative Energy’, i.e. ‘Constructive’ or ‘Destructive’ Energy existing in Universe. This positive energy makes the seed to sprout. Starting from microbes to the elephant, they use this ‘Energy’. Similarly, the planets move on their own with some energy but it is said the energy utilized for this rotation is negligible compared to our Universal Energy available in Space.

There are some ‘Destructive Energies’ also prevailing in the Universe, which do not allow the seed to sprout and human to prosper. The worms, bacteria, virus do this destructive work. Now we are referring to some harmful energy in Vastu in form of radiations, those are emanating from Earth and from Cosmos. These energies work on the Structures (‘Matter’) and Humans or Animals (‘Bio-Energy Fields’).

Roles of Energy in Vastu Shastra

Cosmic Energy (‘Pranic’ Energy)

As we know our Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees towards the North-East direction and it is moving from West to East direction. For an example, when we run we feel the air is coming against our direction. We feel the air. Similar thing happens to the movement of Earth towards the North-East direction vis-à-vis the Cosmic Energy (‘Pranic’ Energy), which comes in from the North-East direction.

  • universal_energy_scanner

This is the reason that much focus is paid towards the North-East direction. If this zone is blocked then the breadwinner will face many difficulties in life. No obstruction should be along the North-East zone; like bathroom, toilet, storeroom, staircase, master bedroom or even kitchen should not be placed there. Only prayer room is allowed there.

This area must be kept clean and tidy and preferably lightweight or no weight at all. Keep windows open here in the morning for the beneficial morning Sun. Use this place for meditation and prayers. Face North or East always when praying. In addition, keep a bowl of water (clean water) and place it at the corner of the North-East zone.

North-East zone represents the water element in Vastu. Respect this zone as if it’s the heart of the house. This room can be used if you are not well and wish to get well fast and to recharge yourself when your are stressed out.

Why there are some cases of houses being burgled or robbed by thieves while some are not; certain people get robbed; some dogs attack people easily and some dogs don’t and keep their distance? This may be connected to the energy level of people and their homes. When a person’s energy level or ‘Prana’ energy level is low, dogs can sense it and they may attack. If a house energy level is low, thieves might sense it and notice it. How can they sense it? It comes down to their intuition and instinct and their feeling towards it. That is why that in some houses we sense good vibes and in some, we don’t.

How do we know if a person’s energy level is high or low?

When you observe them talking negatively about people and themselves, gossiping and always complaining matters. They are never happy about themselves and the environment. Such persons are generally having very low energy level; so they will continue to attract negative things in their lives.

How do we measure a house energy level is high or low?

Firstly, observe the North-East direction of the house. If there is an obstruction, then the house has low ‘Prana’ energy. Next, observe the South-West zone. If there are no obstructions for the openings, then the ‘Prana’ energy has exited from this zone. South-West zone should always be closed, heavy and with fewer openings, then the energy can be stored.

As a conclusion, Vastu Shastra is not a belief or a superstition. It is a pure Science of the Cosmos. Nothing to be ‘believed’ or ‘worshiped’. Every principles and techniques has its scientific explanation behind it; and it can be observed regardless of religion or beliefs.


There is no reason to tip the balance if your fortunes, peace of mind, health and your business are doing fine and are in perfect harmony. Your place already has a good Vastu. If not, get it corrected through Vastu Remedies NOW. Check this:

Chances are, you are just going about it the wrong way. The Vastu of your dwelling could be all wrong. Correct it. Do not expect miracles to happen, but you will definitely reap the benefits and by provided you MAKE VASTU PRINCIPLES A WAY OF DAY-TO-DAY LIFE.

Benefits of Vastu Homes:

The Ancient Indian Vedic Texts mention that living in Vastu Homes lead to the following Positive Effects:
In addition to the above benefits, people who live and work according to Vastu find that they:
According to the knowledge of Vastu, Houses and Offices not built in accordance with its Natural Laws may create problems like:
The possible Negative Effects of Inauspiciously Built Houses May Include:
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